yeah.....but more like a good builder, but he ALWAYS IS COCKY, HE WENT AROUND SAVES SAYING PEOPLE SHOULD CHECK HIS EAGLE SHIP AND THAT ITS BETTER THEN ALL OTHERS "OH ITW THE BIGGEST IT WOULD DESTROY THIS ONE" yeah, number, you are being way too modest about that
oh, I think hes a good builer, but he brags and does tend to get cocky.
ignorant, cocky, and just really ignorant
you were typing comments while i was, so the commetns got mixed up
well the things in your list are those the banned things. like wall is banned from armor, but u can use conductor wall or detector. also, i use frme and diamnond i my phot laser, but thats not for the ship armor, just the laser. it "technically" protects the laser? but oh well. if the rest of the ship is wiped out, it counts as dead
cause if you are get outta here.