85 / 26
17th Aug 2013
1st Mar 2015
No Description provided.
scout armor savesunited engine starship armoured laser ship attack arcova


  • TheNumberCrucher
    19th Aug 2013
    the only number I dont want to eat is jaffa-Cake.
  • TheNumberCrucher
    19th Aug 2013
    i like the word 'Deny'! I can Deny, that a smashed a window! I can Deny that I punched someont in the face! I can deny that I broke book in the library!
  • Schneumer
    19th Aug 2013
    oh.....thats what i though......fair enough, you are now helping the alphabet stand up, and not eating it......thats good
  • Schneumer
    19th Aug 2013
    OH YEAH oops, btw, how come theres a bunch of random void near one of the lasers......the one at the front bottom
  • TheNumberCrucher
    19th Aug 2013
    its supposed to be "cruncher" , but I spelt it wrong during the creation of this account. by the time I noticed it, I had created it... like ten seconds after.
  • Schneumer
    19th Aug 2013
    i try to prove a point and end it......but it ends up too be a lot of this.....I HATE WHOEVER MADE THE WORD DENY
  • Schneumer
    19th Aug 2013
    before i asked him to a truce, but then on a kikinicij save (it was a stickman obstacle course) he said "i could make this if i was in a just gets really annoying and tiring
  • Schneumer
    19th Aug 2013
    or maybe its supposed to be crusher
  • Schneumer
    19th Aug 2013
    you mean no.....just saying....and uhh about your is supposed to be cruncher and not crucher
  • Schneumer
    19th Aug 2013
    so let me get this straight. you automatically side with daniel becuz.....before you automatically sided with daniel.........well i can only keep arguing cuz he cant admit. if he could stop and just admit i would stop arguing