one of my favorite parts are when the guitar solo thing, and the da lower da reg. da, duh lower duh da da lower da reg. da, duh lower duh da da lower da reg. da, duh lower duh da da lower da reg. da, duh lower duh da
hyper zone is better than regular by alot !!!
hear it again on youtube, if need be to clarify your mind
and please be honest about regular and hyper zone. also, were you just listening to hyper zone before?
well could you answer hyper zone and regualr? im listening to it right now. HEEBIE JEEBIES. KIRBY FANS UNITE!!! REPORT NUMBER CRUCHRE (No im just joking dotn report lol)
look, I like rock, hard rock, video game, alternative rock, sipping on milk, and thats pretty much it.
also, thats a bit of an exxageration. i dont like it as much as regualar, but its still good, and you do not ap[reciate that. say that on youtube, and you will get hated
ok. what about regualr and hyper zone? also, please dont curse