im gonna be gone for a while, so bye
well tehn, ill justsay you are really cocky
And calling me MR. COCK is against forum rules- just saying
btw shneumer I did not steal at all if anything there would only be the small possbility that i could have modified a small aspect of it though highly unlikely
oh you have masterchef australia. i have regular.......
yeah but actually im gonna keep checking the comments here. XD
SOOO??!!! HOW ABOUT HIM INSULTING ME??!! NO, JUST NO. OF COURSE THINK ABOUT ONLY DANIEL, CUZ HES SO COOOOLLLLLLL, RIGHT?! FORGET SCHNEUMER, JUST WORRY ABOUT MR.COCK PANTS/.....well there ya go. nobody cares bout me. im fine with it. nobodys good anyways. g' bye! sad to say, im just saying the truth, and i wont back down on my beliefs. and you dont like it? too much cursing? i like it, i like too eat XD
I dont like msterchef. its a bad show. and I wish you and daniel would stop being horrible. Imagine how he would feel with yuo constantly insulting him! your both being dicks to each other!
oh yeah btw thenumbercrucher, danieliscool stole the lasers from your ship and used them in his. unless you gave him permission