JK bout the danieliscool, he is daniel. not danieliscool.
so Danielisverycool has left the chatroom?
Shneumer I did not seek out confrontation, I did not go to your saves and seek out any arguments by makeing blind accusations of stealing and criticising my creations frivolously without offering alternatives and constructive comments like you did. I did not want bad blood between us but if it comes a time in which my saves are being attacked and my character is being attacked then I wiil speak my opinion. If you wish to continue this frivolous argument then so be it, but know that an argument takes two people, and I will no longer argue with you.
now you take shneumers side to play the winning side just saddening
this is relly cool! (unlike danisnotcool) You should pu a S.U. logo in it.
have you ever seen the movie School Of rock?
Schnuemner, I agree, Danielisnotcool. but still! hes good at TPT, and no, im more on you side than his so, yah. Have you ever seen Family Guy?