Comment if you want to help me develop this idea.
very nice idea +1
great idea, but that would be complex to code, it would use alot of fps (LAGGY), a z axis would have to be added, and it would be basically creative mode in minecraft.
its a nice idea and well thought out but it will never happen it would be to complicated and would lag like hell
Intresting, I don't think this will be easy to add though
this is great but will they do it? that is the question my friend!
this must of taken so long to make. +1 :P
It also would be laggy as hell.
This won't be added. And you should suggest these on the forums. And before you make a suggestion, you should read what suggestions have been rejected.
Nobat, great idea. I had that same concept, which is what I tried to explain using the rotational layers.
I love the idea! Exept I might suggest just moving around the camera from one dimentional plane to another. For example, instead of the drawable area being a rectangle, It would be a cube. Great work already :) +1