68 / 11
15th Aug 2013
15th Aug 2013
Comment if you want to help me develop this idea.
shouldbeadded mustadd tomuchcoding horribleidea 3dart


  • Oats
    15th Aug 2013
    They started developing this concept a while ago but removed the thread from the public to prevent hype. The new game ran at around 10 fps and only had around a few solid elements.
  • HowlsChaos
    15th Aug 2013
    will have*
  • HowlsChaos
    15th Aug 2013
    I know the FAQ states that no 3D TPT will be made. But i'll say this in that case then - Imagine the TPT with many windows open, each one can be connected but only in the FIRST window will things such as gas, liquids, explosions,air pressure, gravity, fire and/or bodily harm function as they do now.
  • jiribekr
    15th Aug 2013
    hmm, good idea, but it will be usable with higher resolution (adjustable) and saves will have infos like save_dimensions (in Px) X,Y,Z, it will be good if 2D/3D mode is switchable
  • 306
    15th Aug 2013
    Time for bigger window :D
  • 306
    15th Aug 2013
    Cool but would recuire a complete rewrite of the game engine and would lag like anything
  • HowlsChaos
    15th Aug 2013
    AkAnoR - you got the right idea, its just illusional 3D - to some extent. I honestly dont think it would be such a problem. The particles would remain in 2 dimensional space with 3 dimensional interactivity - if it gets connected into the next layer which would be optional, like a property in the LUA console which states something like "connect layer 'A' (pixel) x-position/y-position to layer 'B'. Layer A will then be connected to layer B at x and y position via element METL or INST (this would be especially helpful for electronics) ~ One could even limit the particles that go into the additional layers so that only solids are capable of being placed within them.
  • Kikinicij
    15th Aug 2013
    And btw this COULD be possible... if there was enough work put into it it would work despite bugs and glitchs and things but 1. the tpt mods arent going to work that hard on it, they might not even have the right equiptement to take on a task that big. 2. tpt isnt made to be 3D. Its a 'falling pixel' game and I would like to keep it that way. Good idea but this just wont happen one way; or another.
  • Kikinicij
    15th Aug 2013
    Ok... I just had a stroke of genuis... even though impossible, say "NICE!!!" if you agree that 3D signs would be cool!
  • MD714
    15th Aug 2013
    I like it, I'd even pay a bit to buy it if necessary.