i am soooooo jelly you got 305 views in 30 min
maybe you shouldnt be on powdertoy or the computer for that matter on the day you got married...
im 14 going to be 15 on 9-11 i do motorcross and bmx i love what i do even if i ge hurt i all ways have a good time with my friends and family.but some time's there is a promblem but it gets fixed later that day
lol ok i want to here about u Nuclear
and by the way let me tell you about my self
wow that is alot , my mom make,s about that much a year so as my dad
I meant i can understand why u should be so stressed but now u should be happy for yourself.
i payed close to a million dollars for my wedding and yes my family help with thhe money
hittox im vary sorry for what i said :(