251 / 29
8th Aug 2013
11th Aug 2013
REQUIRES FOOD (OIL), OXYGEN (OXYG), AND WATER (WATR) TO SURVIVE. Turn decorations on and tell me any problems or additions you want to see. Also, if you liked this, check out my "Functioning Android (Update 1)" and other saves too. Thanks!
functioning survive organ body system animal organism alive living live


  • LPsForMexD
    14th Aug 2013
    its a little buggy... i killed tat organism whit a selfmade nuke of Neutrons and deutrons what happened? The health are full xD
  • Thunderbird9
    14th Aug 2013
    I fed him Detirem and neutrons, apparently he lived
  • dwerfel
    14th Aug 2013
    Hello jmmartyn
  • tothemyers
    14th Aug 2013
    ...yeah, much to my suprise, it can live and function perfectly normal without oxygen. Sure, it uses it up after a while, but it's not required for the oil to burn (in fact, the oil burning and boiling water is the only thing detected and counted to detect whether it's dying or not!)
  • tothemyers
    14th Aug 2013
    Dang, what does it take to kill this thing without causing physical damage? Is there something I can feed it that will poison it? Because I've tried a lot of stuff, stuff that should kill it quickly - it was crapping out mercury, but as long as it has O2, water, and oil, it was happy! What the heck?!
  • Unicorn
    13th Aug 2013
    Phil died a very gruesome death with caustic acid.
  • jmmartyn
    13th Aug 2013
    @martinok22 just use TSNS
  • jmmartyn
    13th Aug 2013
    @Gabers628 give it about 10 seconds to register, it will come up as dead
  • Gabers628
    13th Aug 2013
    I destroyed it.. completely... organs and all... and it said it was still alive... :I
  • Skaterboybob
    13th Aug 2013
    I fed mine regularly and gave him pleanty of oxygen but his intestines got blocked and he died ;-;