201 / 32
7th Aug 2013
14th Aug 2013
Due to request, the red button is located on the top. Holding it is suggested (not required). Heat vision will show the beam. "the_new_powder99999" suggested a sparking, inwr alloy; so I added it.
beam nuclear fire incineration heat core warp exotic plasma pressure


  • PlasmaJolt
    12th Aug 2013
    @G14989: I have been working and designing this beam save since the end of December, 2012. In recent days, when I found it to be "satisfactory", I have published it. Just a little backstory, during my early years of using powder toy, I made a similar beam save like this one but I didn't publish it (i can if people wish for it). This beam used a core of deuterium and neutrons to get the heat and pressure but it was only just. When exotic matter was added and it said it exploded when exposed to electrons I decided to try it instead. When I replaced the deuterium, I discovered the exotic->warp condensing factor. Over time I have been adding buttons, decorating, making over all more aesthetic.
  • petiso66
    12th Aug 2013
    ooooooooooooo YES WOJOOOOOOO
  • Schneumer
    12th Aug 2013
    dont give him creds he doesnt even know what hes talking about....pftt you talk like you made the exot element...
  • G14989
    11th Aug 2013
    can you al least give credit for the exot cannon save id 1194237
  • G14989
    11th Aug 2013
    hey... iddnt you use my exotic cannon tech?with pretty lights and stuff
  • PlasmaJolt
    11th Aug 2013
    So, I added a small, new wall segment that I seems to stand up to the beam.
  • PTuniverse
    11th Aug 2013
    Try a compact alloy of BTRY, PSCN and INWR...
  • Schneumer
    10th Aug 2013
    so tung is pretty inreliable
  • Schneumer
    10th Aug 2013
    hmmm qrtz in my opinion is the best material ever......strong i mean melting point is about 2300 degress....tung nope cuz just a bit of pressure turns into weak brmt ttan plus qrtz = good i think.....
  • rrr598
    10th Aug 2013
    Yes, most of us could have guessed that.