You can call us the new generation of 'Brotherhood of saves' but we intend to last longer and strive to keep tpt at its fullest for as long as possible. If you want to join tell me your most upvoted save. After you do, join our group on the tpt website.
make a link to it
ok.... make a chat page...
see i already broke the about i make a chat page and you link to it....
- be honest i probably cant handle that.....maybe if you made a chat page? in the save just put some random art inside......
oh.....NONOO the way you worded it i thought it ws okay to post lots o comments once i was just really bored, this club has multiple (85 percent) of its members dont even comment, like phummatix or stuff
ummmm i just found out something that might help you a lot. you can do deco through signs. use the signs as templates and fit them one where you want the letter then just use the letters in the sign as a template.....only use deco on the whitest part but on the capital S add that thing on the end......the extra pixel that isnt white but should still be decoed....
thats the condition
yes... dont spam... lol XD but seriously. No offense and Im sure you know this... xD but please dont post more that 2 comments in a row unless its exstreamly important and your a leader! deal? :)