View the thread called 'New 8-bit processor' in the creation section of the forum for instructions on how to create your own programs. Credit to Crionis for ARAY address decoder original design.
Alright. I will try to get back to this tomorrow in Eastern Time. Then I will show you my mnemonics.
Ok would you be able to pm or write in a comment what each line of your program is doing? I just want to make sure you are including the right values for all of the instructions. Because I was watching the program run and it looks like some gates are opening simultaneously when they shouldn't be opening.I will spend a bit looking at this to find the problem.
ID is 1275243
K, thnx, IF condition is working now, but some other things aren't going right. I will post the program soon. You should see 1111 written to A, then 1 written to B and the result going to C in an AND operation.
The counter was incrementing +1 at the same time I was trying to turn the switches off.
Ah I see the problem. That should be fixed now too.
One other problem. For the Jump command, instead of replacing the PC address with the adress specified in the jump command, it instead ADDs the specified address to the current PC address.
Fixed. Try now.
Ohh. Can you show me the entire line of the instruction. I will see what happens when I try.
I set up IF EQUAL so that it jumps if it returns false, and does nothing if it returns true. Should I switch it and make it the other way around?