View the thread called 'New 8-bit processor' in the creation section of the forum for instructions on how to create your own programs. Credit to Crionis for ARAY address decoder original design.
Problem is that the entire multiplication program is now offset from the ROM slot by one pixel and doesn't align. So I can't edit the program yet.
Ahk. Also I updated the processor slightly. Instructions are now 25 bits long. It's explained in the thread. All you would need to do is drag the last 4 bits in your program over 1 place to the right. (since I have now designated 5 bits to the last group of bits).
K, everything is working fine until the last set of bit shifts for the last bit of the second operand. I think it should work after I fix it.
Yeah, I actually intended on righting B to 0 to declare a logic structure resembling If(A > B(0)){A = OP1; A * 2^n; RAM3 = A;}else{RAM3 = 0;}
id:1275439 can we chat their beacuse i don't know how to use this
Ok I went all the way up to line 33, and every single instruction worked perfectly. So I think fixing the IF EQUAL solved most of the problem. I am guessing you were intentionally clearing B by not giving it a value? Also near the end of the program, there are 2 instructions telling the processor to add, but there is no destination (C/RAM)
Found another problem with the IF EQUAL. It wouldn't work if B was 0. I fixed this, so now the 8 instruction works fine too, and it jumps to line 11.
I noticed on line 7 you attempted ROM -> B. But you didn't include a value to put in B.
Ok I am going through your program instruction by instruction. First 5 worked fine (C ended up getting 1), going through the rest now.
I'll probably find the problem before then. Looking now. Also I just realized I broke the IF again when I fixed the JUMP. Gonna have to fix that again quickly lol.