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i killed herobrine but it turned circley :(
in zoom, it all sorta look like minecraft
besides as long as its destroyable tis all good.
I know about 6 different people who play minecraft who arent kids xetalim (the first being myself)
Playstation, let's see you make a save that can get Front Page.
You people need to stop making these stupid nothing-like-minecraft worlds its studpid and shouldn't get FP And BTW i have minecraft
Put mine in too 1255026I made it with your particals!
whatso special about copying bunch of blocks.
its amasing! can i know how you do your creations on frontpage?
My minecraft world consists of underground bases were i test different mods and different ways of killing zombies (basicly my home is the H.I.V.E) 1+ *hugs Fromanotherplanet*