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4th Jul 2013
4th Aug 2013
A new destroyed version of the awesome save by Fast-Driver He gave me permission to destroy it
destroyable city dead destroyed


  • Sailnir
    4th Jul 2013
    Ok this save is completely new first of all. I made it myself from fast-driver's city. I am going to republish this because some people don't believe I got permission. Here is the message conversation exactly as I had it with him. Also He just has not seen it yet so quit being freaking idiots and haters on TPT I did get permission to make this If anyone has the save ID or user I coppied this from prove it to me or message me. Sailnir 3rd July 1249281 is the id for the save hope you like seeing your work destroyed :) Fast-Driver 2nd July I don't mind. :D Send me the link when you are finished. Sailnir 27th June would you mind if I made a destroyed version of this save? I would give credit of course just want to make it look... mostly dead.