Plague. I will update the status of the plague, infeceted areas, ect... every days following your indications in the comments. So if you want zombies, encephalitis, ect... ask me in the comments!
@BurningKid202, *trys to not be to obvious about changing topic about mom and sounding extreamly embarresed so much that he is spleeing wrds incorectly*........hi
@dom2mom hi dom2mom's mom :D
@Hyp3rPix3lat3: Did you make that up? That's pretty good!
SCP Contains the infection, then another outbreak begins when a worker is infected. HE spreads it through the major cities and over time, it creates mutation in teh body, and causing the host to lose control. Carnage lets lose. People escape to America.
i like kittens... :D *troll face*
@fluxim HOW DARE YOU!! IM A KID YOU STUPID BUTT MAN.. i drink TEA. TEAAA TEAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eita porra que daora
@BurningKid101: Are you drunk?
lol dom2mom. is your mom beautiful? i hope she is..... lol. oh. wait. i need to eat cheese. wait. cheese are at the hypermart full of zombies.. GODDAMIT! *goes to store* oh cheese! (the cheese was infected but i didnt know) om nom nom noim ches burger.. xD teh kittenss muzt ruel the wordl.. AND zombes must eat all humanitits and and. ea- eat cheesssseee... with brainss......
And don't let the bratty custacian live, pop some chemical leaks at the bottom of the ocean