69 / 12
30th Jun 2013
7th Jan 2014
Uses the explosion of blue VIBR to create waves of SPRK, each wave takes 5 seconds, 2 waves a minute. Will not stop working once activated if not blown up from outside :)
vibr vibranium endless spark arkreactor batterys nble compact energy


  • Reshiram147
    30th Jun 2013
    Endless energy? use battery. Ultimate bomb? erase. Ultimate wall? wall. I'm often ask me what's the TPT's goal. But i don't care, it's the best game ever. +1
  • Schneumer
    30th Jun 2013
    oh and 1+ but why does there need to be filt you could just have noble, blue vibr, sprk, and insl
  • Schneumer
    30th Jun 2013
    whaaaa??? so blue vibr produces sprk at a certain point. interesting.