Uses the explosion of blue VIBR to create waves of SPRK, each wave takes 5 seconds, 2 waves a minute. Will not stop working once activated if not blown up from outside :)
so it is basicly a no circular version of my ark reactor
I wonder... Can we change the NBLE with TUGN? It would heat up to a limit, so the TESC + NBLE/PLSM would'nt be necesary (I'm assuming that you used the TESC because it is "indestructible" and won't melt), but TUGN needs a while to heat up and charge the VIBR, so the "Just one spark and done" thing would dissappear... but would be more "destructible". I don't like when some special particles are left after a nuke... Hrmmm...
lol or put a dot of battery
lol you put expect, it should say except in the sign.
@1441killer1441 If you always think this way, whats the point of powdertoy for you?
or add some battery...PROBLEM?
if you dont want destroyed chane insl to frame unless its needed for circutry. otherwise cover it with two pix of frme, one if insl can be changed only....never mind make it diamond....what was i thinking?
unless you could cool it down with a sub zero flame (that possible right?) and it just makes elec.....well goodbye to fossil fuels and hello to renewable energy... :)
oh so it doesn't? that answers my question. but people would use it for bombs in wars...
Too bad vibranium doesn't exist