27th Jun 2013
3rd Oct 2013
Visit our ad save for details. If you ordered a custom one, and we've finished it, please copy and paste it so we can keep the original. We want to keep customs on display!
oh and please dont ask personal information its against the rules
well i cant tell you my mom would kill me! its ok i have quite a stalker personality i love to ask questions. LOL
Without sounding stalkerish, are you a boy or a girl? My friend wants to know.
im quite the talker right but i do have ADHD
i love humor
arggh i forgot to say put!! MOO! IM A MAD COW
so now what do you and my name in the signs? or is thare some sort of secret handshake?!
i didnt want to say brothers in crime it sounds link im an FBI
Bros in crime? I like the sound of that. :) You are an honorary member of Pixlglobe Industries. :)
im going to make a link to it on a helper page so i will help with snowglobes if you want :D were bros in crime LOL