154 / 39
25th Jun 2013
14th Feb 2014
No Description provided.
electronic neutron virus cells samrrr


  • iamdarkness
    27th Jun 2013
    @playsationfreak i though u wanted to get rid of viruses not cause more :P
  • playstationfreak
    27th Jun 2013
    The computers should get Norton or Mcafee. xD
  • cmcgee1213
    27th Jun 2013
    is it alright if i barrow the technology in this save il give credit
  • tothemyers
    27th Jun 2013
    Sorry, electrons, not neutrons. This is my last post, sorry for triples!
  • tothemyers
    27th Jun 2013
    "Electron therapy" also works, zap any infected cell with neutrons to kill it.
  • tothemyers
    27th Jun 2013
    @thederpityderp What is the point of ANY given save? Anyways, I found that applying liberal amounts of acid around the infected area is highly effective at neutralizing thespreading virus.
  • thederpityderp
    27th Jun 2013
    What is the point of this save?
  • BlueComet
    26th Jun 2013
    The cells should burst and die when they release more viruses.
  • oldstones
    26th Jun 2013
    An inoculation of water vapor around the infected area with spot caturization of infected cell bursts can stop the spread of the virus. There will be significant scarring and residual discomfort, but the patient should recover and lead a normal life. --"Then I blowd' it up good! REAL good!"-- (nice save.)
  • Vpie649
    26th Jun 2013
    XD +1 because the technology put into the virus though since it is technology all you need to cure the virus is send out a signal to act as a killswitch just put a wifi onto the cells you want to keep clean and then activate the signal wifi and if the wifi is put in the correct place it can shut off the cloning sequence so that it doesnt spread