1767 / 196
16th Jan 2011
20th Apr 2011
It's alternate more durable version. Free for copy (any parts) and modify, as usual.
city quartz subway airplane snow cold destroyable winter bunker time


  • jimstacos
    11th Feb 2011
    y did u say to vote down
  • drapionx
    6th Feb 2011
    hello anyone play runescape and do not want tyhe accout they have i want plz or u a guy on rs plz i need money! (new things to do on rs)
  • dager4
    31st Jan 2011
    are you trying to fix temp cuz i want a lava pool but they all cool down even on the other city 5
  • C-4boom
    29th Jan 2011
    i voted down like you said
  • drapionx
    23rd Jan 2011
    let it snow let it snow lol :) good job!:P
  • dima-gord
    23rd Jan 2011
    If u look at the temp. map, you'll understand it. I havent solved this problem completely. 1px solid insulation is well to this. Also, a small nitrogen coolers not hurt either.
  • powdertoy111
    23rd Jan 2011
    thanks dima-gord. :) just one more question. how do you cool down metal that transferselectricity
  • QuartzMaster
    23rd Jan 2011
  • dima-gord
    22nd Jan 2011
    And thank you all again! )
  • dima-gord
    22nd Jan 2011
    It's not difficult. You can look at my first city, it was the start. In general terms: begins with an idea. As you can see, I haven't had an unusual idea:) Above all, do not repeat the others. Then make a rough layout of the city (house, lakes, vegetation, fields, tunnels) -> rough electrical (if needed, but preferably with a central power source) -> last long and carefully work on the details. BTW, this is very time consuming, must be taken into account. Although many consider the city boring, you'd better do some clever trick... (Sorry for my English and for the "Captain Obvious" into me :), I hope it's readable).