92 / 34
28th May 2013
1st Jun 2013
its been fun guys. lots of creations, fps, and fun times. im leaving for a while and i dont know when ill come back but for now goodbye, farewell and adios amigos. its been a wild ride and to express my thanks. all of the stuff here is yours. goodbye TPT
imhappy sus123 sous imveryhappy immegahappy loltags


  • icehq-gmail-com
    29th May 2013
    Good bye.. :( @hockeyisawesome 2 weeks later: I'm back! lol
  • 247ICE
    29th May 2013
    Good bye.. :( @hockeyisawesome 2 weeks later: I'm back! lol
  • JamBadger1234
    29th May 2013
    good bye '_'
  • zhangxu
    29th May 2013
    I feel good
  • elementdiedera
    29th May 2013
    hey im back i was lifting weights and anyway i am probably gonna be on a lot this summer when im not working out or with my gf :D
  • Kikinicij
    29th May 2013
    I read somewhere that powder toy has been hacked before and of cource I dont beleive them but its a possibility but dont beleive everything you hear right? Also, it does sorta help you learn. Not very much and not exstreamly important but there is learning going on especially on the forums where they are talking about improving TPT and programming and all that. People can actually make a living off of that and some modders might and some probley do.
  • Schneumer
    29th May 2013
    Though it is virus-free, as im sure nobody has had something happened so far.
  • Schneumer
    29th May 2013
  • Schneumer
    29th May 2013
    Firts of all, element, powder toy may be awesome, but it won't help you learn a lot and it is not age appropriate. (with all those haters and bad languaged saves)
  • Kikinicij
    29th May 2013
    Wait when you said suggest something did you mean on your utopia save or anything new for you to build?