92 / 34
28th May 2013
1st Jun 2013
its been fun guys. lots of creations, fps, and fun times. im leaving for a while and i dont know when ill come back but for now goodbye, farewell and adios amigos. its been a wild ride and to express my thanks. all of the stuff here is yours. goodbye TPT
imhappy sus123 sous imveryhappy immegahappy loltags


  • Schneumer
    28th May 2013
    I'm not saying your's is worse, i'm just saying mine is bigger, and it also causes lag spikes. :D
  • Schneumer
    28th May 2013
    Lol, i made something exactly like your neutron decimator but a lot bigger. It's pretty much the exact same design. Lol :D Just saying that it happens to have the EXACT SAME DESIGN. lol :D
  • bpdarnold
    28th May 2013
    Y ARE U LEAVING *sobs*
  • user05
    28th May 2013
    Why?!Why?! You where awsome, why the good always leave (sorry for enligsh)?
  • motz4
    28th May 2013
    yeah but hes leaving. cant u read the description 0freak60?!?!?!?
  • 0freak60
    28th May 2013
    ahhhh why is this fp tpt isnt endend
  • asil
    28th May 2013
    I a very sorry... i feel like cring... WAA :'(
  • motz4
    28th May 2013
    goodbye even though i don't know u but u made some awesome saves!
  • xetalim
    28th May 2013
    @hockeyisawesome:ima leave TPT too. haters destroy my motivation to make new saves on the acc xetalim
  • hockeyisawesome
    28th May 2013
    oh and guys, check out my "new tpt idea" save, i want this to be added to tpt as m dying wish, lol