Yeah, Im online (Israel time 14:38)
P.S.: I don't need THAT much in my room, just those to flags (and maybe a small link to my homepage). THat all. See you then!
Hey litzman, I know, that danieliko is from israel too (he posted so on my I LOVE ISRAEL AND GERMANY-save). I don't know, but he is also a little bit a friend of mine. With the hotel, I think it would be cool if there would be the german and the israel flag. But dont make the room to big, OK? :)
Hello litzman. I made a save and I think, you may' want to see it (id:1228773) Please tell me wath you think about it! Have a good time!
Hey litzman, I think it woul'd be a great honor for me, if you woul'd give me a room of your hotel! So coul'd you give me one with a israel and germany flag? This woul'd be cool I think. Oh, and before I forget, if you need any help with you hotel (or anything else in TPT) just let me know! :)
i dont have an a home page. but you can join my club!
I think a Mid saw already, and deleted the comentary. Im so glad, that our beautyfull flag is not insolved anymore throught this ugly kind of comment!
No Problem. Oh, and now it works :D
Hey litzman. The save "guns" is a old bug in TPT. I think the guy did not stole your ID, you just put the wrong into the sign. Your Homepage-Logo dont work since you started with TPT :D Just put the actually ID into all the signs, and everything shoul'd be done. If you did not understand something, let me know!