622 / 38
11th May 2013
12th May 2013
BWR type reactor. Beta version. Please report any problems you encounter. Enjoy. Instructions: disable the relief valve, enable fuel p. valve, lower control rods. Disable p valve when counts per second >1000. Turbine runs at pressure >11 .
reactor boiler realistic nuclear deco artistic uranium


  • Cookster997
    14th May 2013
    @newtonc: I agree... It is almost... too easy to overcompensate on the in-reactor coolant level, and clog the pipes horribly. I think there sould be some kind of direction on how much coolant to put in, or some kind of guage or dial reading the level, and a recommended amount, kind of like with the pressure and temp. guages. However, I a not sure if this is even possible with the amount of stuff already jammed in here. I don't mean to speak for BuysDB, but I think we will have to deal with what is there, or learn how to properly use it.
  • newtonc
    14th May 2013
    it could use a better cooling system.
  • Dutchdude
    14th May 2013
    Longest singe TPT comment ever \/
  • peterpacz1
    14th May 2013
    @BuysBD Yes, I think it would be very nice to make a manual. Perhaps you could make it all soviet style, with lax safety precautions and stuff. Personally, I do not experiance a large frame rate drop, I just thought that other users with less fortunate computers might. Perhaps in the future, you could create a labeled version, to show what part does what. I really like to learn how nuclear reactors work, and it would be great if you can do that in the future. I must really congratulate on the deco art, it gives it a rustic soviet ultiterian feeling, and I really love how you added small touches like the staircase and the trees. Perhaps, (as I have seen in other nuclear reactors) you could add a weak point at the top of the reactor, so when it blows up, all the fission material will blast though the top, chernobyl style. Also, I am wondering, is it possible to replace the water coolent with liquid salt? I know that for some reactors, they use liquid sodium in their first coolent loop, and water in the next. Perhaps you could do that. (Of course, personally | think using liquid sodium in reactors is a bad idea, think of all those sodium leaks that are going to lead to colorful explosions). This is one of my favorite saves so far, and keep up the good work|!
  • johnpears
    14th May 2013
    wow +1
  • cmcgee1213
    14th May 2013
    1+ XD awsome
  • cmcgee1213
    14th May 2013
    1+ XD awsome
  • cmcgee1213
    14th May 2013
    this is awsome i destroyed it all when i dropped a W bomb
  • BuysDB
    14th May 2013
    @astro-nomical; I will add a scram. @peterpacz1, Thanks, I will make a simple manual, but I think the controls are not complex. As for the frame rate: I am not going to reduce the particle count, you can remove scenery yourself when you're having issues.
  • nia666
    14th May 2013
    I'm sorry for double post. Kind of timeout issue