11th Mar 2013
13th Mar 2013
This explains what Gunpowder is and its origins. (If you discover a spelling error, keep it to yourself, we don't want to know).
Haha :')
Because there annoying, like u.
Why wouldn't you want to know spelling errors? You could correct them then.
gun powder i a nut shell:an explosive that goes boom when it touches fire
Below= TNT, in TPT, is made with CLST and NITR
-1, Useless art
i made a tnt tutorial
i swear to god i u make a TNT one i will be like FFFFFUUUUUU!!!
interesting but it is no longer used in guns, liquid propelent is now used also if anyone wants to know the ratio is aprox: 70% nitrate 20% charcoal 10% sulfur <- used to lower the ignition temp. also there are hundereds of difernt compositions of gunpowder but this is the commonest.
Hewy is right. There are recording accounts by scholars that they were trying to find some sort of elixir. Ended up burning down their homes actually.