applemonga. and cherryboosa is fun too! come on say it with me applemonga!, cherryboosa!,nom nom noowm nom yummah! get some ladeh!
nom nom nom.. what? pancakes? oh. nom nom nom nom. i like bananas.... nom nom.. -sees chocolate cake- *drools* oooohh.. what lovely cake. nom nom nom nom... nyan nyan nyan nyan nom nyom nuom blobbit.. globbit blobbitt... nom nom nom sosososossooooo yummy nom nomnom omomonomomom nom nom nom nom blom blomon nom nom nom nom.... :D
...i can't live on this platet anymore o.O she doesn't like pancakes???
st1nkst1efel my sister don't like pancakes. I CANT BELIEVE!
@phoenixsilverbird Fault? nah, just a secret. By the way, are there any people on planet earth NOT liking pancakes? :)
Lol, yum. Waffles are a bit greasy unless they are good quality. Anyways, back to topic, this save is AMAZING. But one fault, spark it for an insta-bridge.
Sounds delightful. Anyway +1
also, thumbs up if you read all that.
and picklebarrel, that is also fun, come on, say it with me, picklebarrel, kumquat, picklebarrel, kumquat, picklebarrel, kumquat, chimmycherrychonga :D