Why is one slow and one fast?
This doesn't seem to work in water in TPT. That's too bad. That or you need some really fast neutrons to get it to work.
300,000Kms not entirley sure of that speed, or in what medium
usually, when someone says "the speed of light", they mean in a vacuum. Light is so weird isn't it. :P
@Potbelly a neutron CAN exceed the speed of light, just not in a vacuum. Cerenkov radiation is most obsverable in water but can occur in different mediums.
Sorry, I was mistaken. I guess it does, just very very slowly.
Neat! I had no idea PT had something like this implemented.
fast neutrons go everywhere. they really get messy. now dont you play with them. #YourMom
jolly good show indeed. #MistahJollyGoodShow
Technically neutrons can't go faster than light. They have mass, higgs field blah blah blah. Still, awesome minimalist save ^1