Just put your Hair colour and length, eye colour, style of camo and colour of shirt, skin colour, favourite weapon and location in the comments and I will make you a logo!
PARAS all the way!
And I will get it done tomorrow for you :)
Are you from the USA?
can i have a blue-black camo style on a stickman with working gun an a dark red cap?
Okay, your done now Kikin!
Sorry nothing has been done, been at the British Gunshow this weekend and came back with a P226! I can get back on these ASAP but that will probably mean tomorrow. Sorry for the wait.
can my one look like predator from alien vs predator thanks
Or no, put USA
Oh, and as I said I'm stationed in America.
I want one! Ill have blonde hair, short, with the face like combustion-dude has, with a tan [but still white] skin color and I would like a greenish brown jumpsuit with a tiny red white blue color strip in that order going down the jumpsuit on the left side of the suit and I would want a sawed off shotgun double barrle as my wepon of choice. Thanks!!! I'm honored I get to be a part of this!