see what each little impulse of pressure does to this... make sure gravity is OFF
No offence but this was easy to make. Make a small square, then CTRL+C then CTRL+V. This wouldn't take more than 10 minutes of copy & paste to make.
good night then...
i need to go to school in.... less than ten hours? i gtg to be (cahsee tomorrow) meh, goodnight.
actually sometimes it goes down, like my guitar hero
sorry, typing too fast, I need to go to school in 10 minutes
*when IF it is...
when its too long on FP, it dont go down, it just dissapear
not that really, it is based on moderators, and sci-fi battle isnt old, it is here only one day
guillian, fp is based on date. well rating and date, meaning this is not better than sci fi war, or your school.
or even the sci-fi battle by slug, HOW is this better than it?!!!