309 / 32
30th Jan 2013
13th Mar 2019
Just a destroyable school for stickmans, no decorations were used! Thanks to Kikinicij and BurningKid101 for helping me with few rooms!
destroy stickmans building destroyable stickman realistic school stkm decorations revenge


    1st Feb 2013
    My firw bomb molten this.
  • Guillian
    1st Feb 2013
    I customized the dinner room and added lockers and another class
  • DragonSkin342
    1st Feb 2013
    Awesome test save for bombs!
  • Guillian
    1st Feb 2013
    2 rooms left, what should I put there?
  • Guillian
    1st Feb 2013
    I added 2 more rooms, toilets
  • BurningKid101
    1st Feb 2013
    i used 5 of my first nukes on this school. R.I.P people that were in the pool were barried. (nobody survived XD) hopefully u guys were lucky to not be hit by that nuke.
  • BurningKid101
    1st Feb 2013
    make some kids flying some kites outside :D and make a restroom/toilet and some kinda geometric class :D and a teacher thats looking down on some kinda poop. <<<< HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
  • Guillian
    1st Feb 2013
    moderators, please read the bottom half of the long text ;)
  • Guillian
    1st Feb 2013
    and you should think over that, that this game have only 2 dimensions and everything needs to be small to fit in there, so it is harder than you think to build more and more, like this, you still have empty half of the scree, if you type SCHOOL in the search bar, you will see only enourmous schools and 90% of them are copied from the original first one, mine is smaller and not so laggy, that is why everybody likes it, well now, when everything on the firs ten pages have something about 5000 vote up, becuase they started when there were only something about 10 000 saves, now nobody have chance to get in the first ten pages, and it is ipossible to get on the first, becuase for example destroyable city is pretty same as this with the construction, but it gained 3000 votes in the long time it was there, why? Becuase it is the 2000th save and it was the only complicated construction created, now, there are more things that should be there, the next 10 pages should be constantly changing too, like every year or so
  • Guillian
    1st Feb 2013
    field house?