302 / 16
16th Jan 2013
8th Aug 2013
All credit given to the-human-project. I just added on to the original. It now has many more functions similar to a human. WARNING: messing with electronics in the android can cause problems. Read the sidenotes and suggest any additions or ideas.
senses live alive android living cell human robot organism system


  • Onehara
    20th Oct 2020
    Damn, how much water does this android have. I put fire on it and he made more water than his body mass
  • ptf_zamasu
    19th Sep 2020
    u should make it spew out mercury to heal bigger wounds
  • hujhgjt
    12th Jun 2020
    at 70C
  • hujhgjt
    12th Jun 2020
    but the good has decentigrated and is now leaking more blood
  • hujhgjt
    12th Jun 2020
    supercrafter, I did the same thing like you did, he is in the hospital with a low chance of recovery, his body is literally filled with blood, the only thing stopping him from dying is that some of the goo made it so the upper body blood could not drain out.
  • NAT_Headcrab
    11th Apr 2020
    Just do !set type glow dest to make him explode (and also a big mind blown)
  • Supercrafter
    26th Mar 2020
    in turn, he died.
  • Supercrafter
    26th Mar 2020
    he eventually peed blood and his structure was shattering due to the impact of the gravity, and his body was setting on fire. in the current case he could die in ~45 seconds from blood loss.
  • Supercrafter
    26th Mar 2020
    the blood heated up to a simmering temperature of 50C,he went in and out of emergency mode several times, he digested his stomach acid, and his stomach was on fire.
  • Supercrafter
    26th Mar 2020
    I used gravitrons and caused his stomach to combust permanently. and it turned his body into a blood chamber.