This is tpt comunities first gun competition. The rules are inside. To join just ask in the comments. This is a deco gun making contest but if your gun actually works the judges may agree to give extra points. GO TO PAGE 2 FOR INTREE!!!!!
Ohhhh. I see now.
it is i have one that i made and i thought you took it then i messured them and i guess there not the same therefore you didn't take mine and i didn't mak anything with feynmans
I thought the counter was Feynmans.
Measured what?
oh wait sorry you didn't i thought you did but i meassured
U made part of the counter?
can you credit for using part of me counter
Circovik, I would rather u do a gun but im oking the flamethrower.
Hey thespazz and asgg. U give me your new gun ids as soon as possible but dont rush but when u do, Ill add them in place of the old ones.
I will change their links when they make new guns, bye {i gota go again}.