Does this count? Id:1667783
Yea its not really that strong great concept like the shields and id like to see a V2.
i just used this stuff 1591456
its not exactly art... the alloy walls are very strong, you just used a strong-ER bomb or lots of dest and bomb, kinda cheaty maybe lol
got easy trough the walls, it's not really an "indestructable" alloy. but nice art
have lots of fun schneumer haha
can i use the scale idea on a save i may make do i have to give creds i just want to use the scale looking armor idea i dont want this just the,....basicaly im gonna mke armor in the shape of scales, and the inspiration is from this, im not taking the armor in this save, just the shape. must i give creds? i think not, bye and thanks XD :D