46 / 24
18th Nov 2012
16th Sep 2013
oh no its thawing fast Runnnnn! But wait! maybe you can shatter it before it finishes! now thaws sooner! Lots of credit to tako1259 for making the original, i borrowed parts and changed them, to be able to make this. "i stood on the shoulders of giants!"
ctype freeze unfreeze hypersleep sleep frozen thawing thaw robot ice


  • johnsgag0
    19th Nov 2012
    It takes almost 30min if you don't use fire or heat.
  • ACCount-
    19th Nov 2012
    My "Frozen sub" uses ice ctype too. But my sub has more diffirent elements.
  • hdp
    18th Nov 2012
    as long as u dont add heat its easy to kill
  • Galacticfuzz
    18th Nov 2012
    thaw it with fire and it thaws all weird LOL
  • hdp
    18th Nov 2012
    i thought why would this be an fp then i saw the ttan
  • combustion-man
    18th Nov 2012
    add air to kill him
  • thepowderdustflame
    18th Nov 2012
    nice 1+
  • CobaltYash
    18th Nov 2012
    I will share how i did this because i believe that if we all shared knowledge the world would be better. FIRST, metal robot. Sprk ALL of it while paused. set type sprk ICE. set temp all -1. unpause and when the ice thaws its ctype is everything it was before, because sprk keeps the metal it sparks as its ctype and ctype is very nice and stubborn, which is good and cool
  • kevinchau3
    18th Nov 2012
    What the--how did you--what? How did you make multiple elements in one ctype of an element? How did you make--wow. I am impressed lol.
  • CobaltYash
    18th Nov 2012
    hey people try AIR now, it works great.