46 / 24
18th Nov 2012
16th Sep 2013
oh no its thawing fast Runnnnn! But wait! maybe you can shatter it before it finishes! now thaws sooner! Lots of credit to tako1259 for making the original, i borrowed parts and changed them, to be able to make this. "i stood on the shoulders of giants!"
ctype freeze unfreeze hypersleep sleep frozen thawing thaw robot ice


  • cj646464
    19th Nov 2012
    166966, thats the save id the upper body and head is taken from. Just saying, you might just want to give some credit.
  • CobaltYash
    19th Nov 2012
    OH NOES messed it up, repairing sorry people
  • CobaltYash
    19th Nov 2012
    free to copy, just mention me a little lol. 1 more thing ( to know how to do this, scroll WAY down, i commented on how to make it)
  • CobaltYash
    19th Nov 2012
    to further explain, i was inspired by alot of the robots i found when i searched "terminator" so i said "i need to make a better robot, i know i can make a SUPER robot" so i made better arms and legs, and shaped alot of them VERY similarly, but they are different. you might even find that a few areas just barely match when you overlap them, because i measured them so much, but i did make them my way so uou will see differences. i wanted to make it very close though, since i loved the way they looked. another thing i would like to add is that the whole "robot terminator search" is a massive graveyard of people copying eachothers terminators over and over lol, no offence.
  • CobaltYash
    19th Nov 2012
    GASP front page again? oh yea, i made this one out of lots of similarly enspired parts, but i didn't copy. i actually had a few robot saves i made up for a while but i took them down because they didn't get any attention.
  • ladiesman271
    19th Nov 2012
    he did noy copy but he did use console
  • cj646464
    19th Nov 2012
    He used the body frame but changed it drastically.
  • kilxerx15
    19th Nov 2012
    dude this looks real similar to a terminator post i saw. Copyer.
  • venomx
    19th Nov 2012
    i thawed it to much, it melted and the core turned into a disco ball
  • AvZ
    19th Nov 2012
    nice one. BTW why is the robot smiling?