All you need to do is post your username, your highest number of votes, and the I.D. of the save. If you don't meet the qualifications but have a save you think should have more votes than it does, post that I.D. I might re-evaluate. Read the regulations
can i join my save is photon city with 24 votes (it needs more 1500 people viewd it! id...........
can i join i got 51
can i join 40 up votes 8 votes down on flags
oh this is a private save...
im rank 80 now
1 person actually weirdnuke :) (i'm just joking u should join
can i join plz
@Kainus18 aww thanks!!!!!!!!! I...I...I am extreamly greatfull! well FeynmanTech the people have spoken!!!
I asked like three times
can I join? ID:823250