All you need to do is post your username, your highest number of votes, and the I.D. of the save. If you don't meet the qualifications but have a save you think should have more votes than it does, post that I.D. I might re-evaluate. Read the regulations
oh, wait nevermind, i cant, i can only dream lol XC
Hey, wanting to join, my best save with the most votes is 1043214, it is so far 7 likes, probably not going to get accepted :c but hey, ya know, i can try XP
thank you for letting me in :)
why have low place?
(one day and it went up 21)
I have 57 likes now!
Can I join? My highest vote (FOR NOW) is 36, I have a thing on fp for 1 day, after 6 days I will get more votes than that
Why is WINSTON not on the top ten page?
There are 29 votes but I think more people should see it.
Go read your messages...