All you need to do is post your username, your highest number of votes, and the I.D. of the save. If you don't meet the qualifications but have a save you think should have more votes than it does, post that I.D. I might re-evaluate. Read the regulations
ok, I did it cause I had this in favourites and there is a bug that even its deleted, I can still acess it, if you didnt had it in favourites you could re-pick it
I'm glad to see you decided to take the initiative and keep this going while I'm gone (you got extra points for that; it's a good sign that you are going to be an asset to the club), but I'm back now. :)
*Feynman was
Feynman is was accidentaly perm-banned so all his saves were removed, you can still acces this cause you added it in favourites or by a link, I re-saved this so please go here: 1091067 I will be holding this untill Feynman comes back
how do u know how much votes u have?
chcek this out: id:1089562 its a vulcan minigun that I was working on it really hard!
do all the votes have to be positive? cuz i have a save with 45 total saves, but only 33 positive ones
i have 21 votes on id 1071564 but a lot have used it not give credit or voted
Can I join? My highest save currently has 82 votes. ID: 913526