New element: Music blok

  • Knihnik
    19th Apr 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    Music block. I suggest adding sound to the game but only for the new element: the music block. When you apply a spark to PSCN, it produces a sound. The sound can be adjusted with tmp: from 0 to 12 - a small octave; from 13 to 24 - the first octave; from 25 to 36 - the second octave. tmp2 can adjust the tool. life adjusts the duration of the sound. Write your opinion in the comments.

  • jacob2
    19th Apr 2018 Member 1 Permalink
    Sound is on the rejected elements list:

    Note blocks are the most likely version of sound to be added, but I doubt anyone will work on it.
  • Alexwall
    19th Apr 2018 Member 0 Permalink


    Sound is on the rejected elements list:

    Note blocks are the most likely version of sound to be added, but I doubt anyone will work on it.


    coming from the mad that added sound in his mod :"P

  • Knihnik
    20th Apr 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    I suggest introducing a sound only for the music block. Developers can vote among players for the partial addition of sound to the game

  • jacob1
    20th Apr 2018 Developer 0 Permalink
    It's not an equal vote, if none of the developers want to implement it it's not going to happen.

    Someone once made a really nice MIDI element, I wouldn't be opposed to something like that for example. I don't think the code was any good though.