plasma magnetism

  • kobalt
    22nd Nov 2017 Member 0 Permalink read up on this if yo uwant to under stand what i would VERY much like to have in this game. i want magnetic fields too. mainly to control plasma like kinda like in real life. and if not that i would like to have similiar ionization systems.

  • phox
    22nd Nov 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    this is on the previously requested elements list


    "Magnetic effects on METL, BMTL ETC
    >Would require a new layer and some fancy magnetic field calculations (a lot of work). Unless someone takes the initiative to do it,


    it does sound pretty cool though, probably as a mod if someone is that savvy with coding. maybe superheated gases (<5000c) would be controlled by a magnetic field?


  • kobalt
    24th Nov 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    though a magnetism code would only get complicated with plasma but with the other stuff its just make a certain pattern t owhere teh metals get pulled in. only the plasma would complicate it because plasma winds magnetic fields.

  • Potbelly
    1st Dec 2017 Banned 1 Permalink
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  • Sanpypr0
    1st Dec 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    magnetism isn't necessarily impossble, realistic magnetism? not so much.

    there's a mod on the script browser (Jacob1's mod) called Tgpm (, it basically adds 'magnetic' fields to some elements, so it's not impossible, but a realistic magnetic field would be.

    for magnets you can also use RPEL, it works very well.

  • kobalt
    14th Dec 2017 Member 0 Permalink


    @kobalt (View Post)

     you can't just guess how hard something is to code or how quick it is to process by how complicated you find something


    magnetic fields are 'certain patterns'. you would have every single pixel calculate a shape around itself and apply forces over that field.


    how are you gonna have 'winds' in a 2D field where you can't magnetize things?