New Element: Command

  • Cool_Sunny_
    17th Aug 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    Remember all those saves which require you to enter a lua console, well yeah basically its a element which when sparked will exercute the script its given. If this element was added to the game it would be much easier to make complex creations and of course WEAPONS!!!!

    Edited once by Cool_Sunny_. Last: 17th Aug 2017
  • Fusionftw
    17th Aug 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    NO! This is on the rejected element list!

  • jacob1
    17th Aug 2017 Developer 0 Permalink
    See this page, the CMND and Property ray sections:
    Also read the attached forum thread for even more info.

    Basically, we'd rather have it stay how it is, where anything that might be "cheaty" / confusing for users stays console-only. We don't want the ability to automatically break normal reactions / TPT physics.

    I had someone get angry at me for removing the -nan bug in RFRG. RFRG was badly coded at first (and still is somewhat) because it was storing a floating point number in .tmp and not doing any sanity checking on it.. Any possible improvement we would make to RFRG would have broken any -nan saves. I decided to check for nan to fix the bug. I can't imagine how difficult development would be, if every single time I made a change to how element properties work, it broke a lot of saves. The properties are internal, so the behavior of saves shouldn't depend on how we decide to use .tmp / .tmp2 / others