how do you guys download a mod and......

  • 987tails
    31st May 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    yea so ive seen a mod i want, but i dont see a link on it, so may i ask how you guys download it and put it on to your TPT game. lol even my girlfriend wants to know!

  • xetalim
    31st May 2014 Member 2 Permalink

    @987tails (View Post)

    You just download the mod and double click it, as it is an application, just like TPT.

  • boxmein
    31st May 2014 Former Staff 2 Permalink
    @987tails (View Post)
    Depends on what the mod is. For mods that look like tons of text, they're Lua mods, which are neat because you don't need to recompile TPT every time you make a change, and you can load and unload them (by restarting TPT :D) at will. For Luja mods, you can simply open up the developer console and write
    , if you've taken the Lua code and placed it next to Powder.exe into a file called my-lua-mod-file-name-goes-here.lua .

    Unarguably however, C/++ mods are simpler to use and way more powerful and quick, and therefore they're rarer and when you encounter one in the wild all it takes to run is to double-click the Powder.exe they bundle with them. You may opt to renaming it into something like Powder-jacobs-mod.exe and moving them next to your original Powder.exe so both can access the same stamps and saves and configuration.
  • Ilovespiders01
    19th Jun 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Boxmein I dont understand and Im doing the exact same as you but it is not working for the Lua Mods

  • FeynmanLogomaker
    19th Jun 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    For a Lua mod, you could use cracker64's script manager, or you could save it as autorun.lua in the same folder as TPT, or you could type in the console 'dofile("name_of_your_script.lua")'.

  • 987tails
    12th May 2015 Member 1 Permalink

    thanks guys.