16 / 0
8th May 2015
21st Jun 2017
A scout fleet with 2 Alliance AACs (Anti-Armour Corvettes) and 7 Ziphius interceptors. Turn deco off for interior view. You can only copy if you are an Alliance member.
spaceship alliance


  • the_new_powder99999
    18th Jun 2017
    Updated with another fighter (Second top). It is the same size as the first one, but the fire beam can aim, and the laser was replaced with a FSEP gun.
  • KingWilliamIII
    25th Oct 2016
    to scale of cource
  • KingWilliamIII
    25th Oct 2016
    Add a few of these ID:2048327
  • the_new_powder99999
    18th Sep 2016
    Also, the gravity shields on both fighters have a few 'blind spots' close to the hull, which I have fixed on the small fighter.
  • the_new_powder99999
    18th Sep 2016
    I think the problem was that the BCOL would occasionally hit something too hot and rebound inside the fighter. The larger fighter was immune to this because nothing meltable was connected to the gap inside the fighter. I may have fixed this by adding layered PTCT inside the fighter to dissipate the heat.
  • lamyipfu
    17th Sep 2016
    Usually, smaller component size means more potential to install extra firepower. However, in 1 on 1 matches, larger one wins most of the time, which is quite strange as smaller fighter is just a compressed version of it. Maybe you should adjust the position of smaller fighter's G-shield to see if smaller fighter can have the potential to beat the larger ones before making your decision.
  • the_new_powder99999
    16th Sep 2016
    An advanced fighter is on my list of things to make, if I were to add that, (So that there is more variance) which one of these current fighters would be better? Specifically, what size do you think is better, and is there anything about the larger fighter that should be added to the smaller fighter. (Even if I end up keeping the larger size and updating it to the technology of the smaller one)
  • lamyipfu
    16th Sep 2016
    I think you can keep both types of fighter so that some kind of variance is present in the fleet
  • the_new_powder99999
    16th Sep 2016
    I have replaced the middle fighter with a newer smaller version, should I replace all of the fighters?
  • 987tails
    3rd Jun 2015
    i luv this fleet