Lua API:Graphics

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Various methods that allow lua to draw on the simulation screen.



number, number graphics.textSize(string text)

Returns the width and height of the specified text.


graphics.drawText(number x, number y, string text, [number r, number g, number b, [number a]])

Draws the specified text at (x,y). Providing the color is optional, if not provided defaults to white.


graphics.drawPixel(number x, number y, [number r, number g, number b, [number a]])

Draws a pixel at (x, y). Providing the color is optional, if not provided defaults to white.


graphics.drawLine(number x1, number y1, number x2, number y2, [number r, number g, number b, [number a]])

Draws a line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2). Providing the color is optional, if not provided defaults to white.


graphics.drawRect(number x, number y, number width, number height, [number r, number g, number b, [number a]])

Draws a hollow rectangle at (x,y) with the specified width and height. Providing the color is optional, if not provided defaults to white.


graphics.fillRect(number x, number y, number width, number height, [number r, number g, number b, [number a]])

Draws a filled rectangle at (x,y) with the specified width and height. Providing the color is optional, if not provided defaults to white.


graphics.drawCircle(number x, number y, number radiusW, number radiusH, [number r, number g, number b, [number a]])

Draws a hollow circle at (x,y) with radius of (radiusW,radiusH). Providing the color is optional, if not provided defaults to white.


graphics.fillCircle(number x, number y, number radiusW, number radiusH, [number r, number g, number b, [number a]])

Draws a filled circle at (x,y) with radius of (radiusW,radiusH). Providing the color is optional, if not provided defaults to white.


graphics.getColors(number color)

Converts color from hex. Return number r,g,b,a.


graphics.getHexColor( [number r], [number g], [number b], [number a])

Converts color to hex.


graphics.setClipRect([number x], [number y], [number w], [number h])

Sets the clip rect used while drawing graphics to the screen. Graphics drawn outside the given rectangle will be clipped out. The default clip rect is the entire screen, and clip rects will be reset to this after every frame.

Returns the old clip rect (x, y, w, h).



The complete window width including side buttons, usually 629.


The complete window height including the bottom area, usually 424.