2018-02-25 03:47:15
Destination XYZ
Hello, i am shrid. Let's take a journey down to the deepest point that humans have dug.
0m (surface)

1.8 m, Standard coffin depth.

6 m, maximum depth that metal detectors can pick up signals from.

12 m, deepest animal burrows dug my Nile crocodiles.

20 m, depth of Paris Catacombs.

40 m, deepest point of the deepest pool in the world.

100 m, usual depth that goverments bury their nuclear waste at.

105.5 m, deepest metro station in the world, located in Kiev, Ukraine.

122 m, deepest known point that a plant's roots have ever reached.

220 m, deepest point of deepest river in the world, the Congo River.

240 m, deepest railway tunnel in the world, a tunnel that connect the Japanese islands of Honshu and Hokkaido.

287 m, deepest road in the world located in Norway.

305 m, deepest point that the B82 bomb can penetrate.

392 m, deepest well dug by hand, the Woodingdean Water Well located in the UK and was dug back in 1862.
(from this point on, each empty space will now represent 10m instead of 1m)

603 m, deepest vertical drop inside a cave.

700 m, where Chilean miners got stuck down here for 69 days back in 2010.

970 m, deepest point of the Bingham Canyon open pit mine in Utah.

1410 m, depth of the deepest concert ever held.

1642 m, deepest point of the deepest lake on earth: Lake Baikal, Russia.

1857 m, deepest point of the Grand Canyon.

2197 m, depth of deepest cave on earth, located in Georgia.
(from this point on, 1 empty space will represent 100m)

3132 m, bottom of the Moab Khotsong mineshaft in South Africa.

3600 m, deepest point that a multicelluar organism has been found alive.

4000 m, deepest point of the deepest mine on earth, located in South Africa. The tempeature down at this depth is 66 C.

6000 m, average depth of oceanic crust beneath the ocean floor.

10994 m, bottom of the Marianas Trench, the deepest point of the ocean.

12262 m, deepest point of the Kola Superdeep Borehole, a project in which the Soviet Union tried to drill through the entire earth's crust. However, they failed because down here the tempeature was 180 C, too hot for the drill to go any further.
12376 m: deepest point that humans have ever dug, this is the bottom of the Z44-Chavyo oil and gas well.
Alright, i said we were only gonna go to the deepest point that humans have dug, but lets go deeper than that.
(now 1 empty space represents 1000 m)

70000 m: end of earth's crust.
(from here 1 empty space represents 100000 m)

6371000 m: the earth's center.
The end!
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