2022-07-16 17:14:32
No i am not showing this why would i ever show my location like if i was famous what would i do with 5000 fans outside my door or at the gate
Whats a Biography lemme search oh ok the reason i played this game is that i like it and it simulates stuff and i want to test out RCE or real civil engineer in youtube the video about Can a tsunami be stopped with the tesla valve the name tesla is a person name and RCE just made THe Matt VaLvE in video can tesla valve stop a tsunami in timborners probably not correct spelling and the after math of THe Matt VaLvE it was soo funny using water spawners in high and then drop them making a own water to stop a tsunami well in timber borners it failed to the brim like it made the tsunami worse it made to taller i think or stronger and the date of birth below me is funny because this sounds like i was born as Adam with eve
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