help with the hotkeys in Ubuntu

  • Boomer
    12th Jun 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    They do not work. Ubuntu 11.04. TPT Version 47.4

    PS I speak English bad:(
  • Neospector
    12th Jun 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Which hotkeys?
    Caps Lock- Specific Element Erase
    Insert- Replace mode
    TAB- Circle/Square Brush
    Space- Pause
    Q- Quit
    Esc- Quit
    Z- Zoom
    S- Save stamp (+ Ctrl when STK2 is out)
    L- Load last saved stamp
    K- Stamp library
    C- Cycle view mode
    1-9- Set view mode
    P- Save screenshot to .ppm
    F- Pause and go to next frame
    G- Grid
    H- Show/Hide HUD
    D- Debug mode (+ Shift when STK2 is out)
    I- Invert Pressure and Velocity map
    T- Vine mode
    W- Toggle gravity modes (+ Ctrl when STK2 is out)
    R- Reset LIFE generation (when in Debug mode)
    ~- Python Console
    =- Reset pressure and velocity map
    [- Decrase brush size
    ]- Increase brush size
    B- Decoration Mode
    Ctrl+C/V/X- Copy/Paste/Cut
    Ctrl+Z- Undo
    Ctrl+Cursor drag- Rectangle
    Shift+Cursor drag- Line
    MMB / Alt+LMB- click Sample element
    Mouse scroll- Change brush size
    Ctrl + Mouse scroll- Change vertical brush size
    Shift + Mouse scroll- Change horizontal brush size
    Shift + Ctrl + R- Horizontal mirror for stamp (need stamp preview up)
    Ctrl + R- Rotate stamp counterclockwise (need stamp preview up)
    Ctrl + Arrow keys- Shift stamp in the direction of arrow key one pixel (no walls)
    Shift + L alternative button + L control button- Select subject for Specific Element erase
    Ctrl + = - Reset Electricity
    Ctrl + Shift + LMB/RMB- Fill