Heater and Cooler?

  • funky3000
    12th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    It would be nice if we could have elements called heater and cooler in the electrics menu.

    It would work kinda like the switches and stuff, where PSCN turns it on and NSCN turns it off. Heater (HETR?) colors would be brown when off and bright orange when on, and it would heat elements in contact or possibly nearby. Cooler (COLR?) would be teal when off and aqua when on, and would cool the elements in contact or nearby (if nearby is wanted, of course)

    I know this could be done with FIRE/CFLM+CLNE, but fire creates lots of wind and the element the CLNE is cloning can be interfered when other objects come into contact. Also, PCLN would work for ON/OFF, but I don't know if it will continue cloning them.

    These would make a nice controlled way to heat or cool elements. It would probably still create a little wind, but not as much as FIRE or CFLM.
  • edza101
    12th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I agree this would be much more practical and compact because of this
  • xmagicx60
    12th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    *most ppl think is spam, I dont but whatever*
  • edza101
    12th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    ^^^ this is spam give a reason
  • funky3000
    12th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @edza101 (View Post) It isn't spam. The real definition of spam is advertising where it is not wanted or possibly not wanted
  • dnerd
    12th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @funky3000 (View Post)
    It has been suggested, rejected. Use life.


    @edza101!112584 It isn't spam. The real definition of spam is advertising where it is not wanted or possibly not wanted

    Wrong, +1 posts are now considered spam.
  • edza101
    12th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink

    but it is a good idea
  • dnerd
    12th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @edza101 (View Post)
    Use life, it acheves the same effect, especially when paired with HSWC.
  • edza101
    12th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Okay i suppoese itll have to do
  • funky3000
    12th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @dnerd (View Post)

    I can never seem to control the life though. Also, it is a really powerful heater or cooler. This would be quite a bit calmer for heating or cooling. If I wanted to melt one this, the heater would work, but life would melt even the container it is in. A block container would prevent that, but the life wouldn't have any way to heat the element. And if it is meant as a heater it could possibly die out and become a cooler instead. This would be much more reliable, much easier to make, and much easier to control.
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