help once more

  • singularity
    7th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Now over the last day or so I have been try ing to code a new powder toy (using codeblocks) I have done everything up to thesed steps

    11)goto project properties: Configuration properties: VC++: Additional Include Directories: <Edit>: and add the folders <source>\SDL and <source>\BZlib
    12) drop down the Source files folder on the right of your screen and open powder.c and on line 26 change it from <SDL/SDL.h> to <SDL.h>
    13) click the green arrow. when the error message saying you are missing a dll file pops up, close it, then go to your powder game folder which has the official working exe and copy the dlls from there into your ...<source>/debug folder

    Now I can't work out how these last few steps are done.

    please help.